Weapons of Mass Destruction

The creation of weapons of mass destruction has been a troubling moral concept since the creation of the first atomic bombs in the 1940's. Personally, I believe the construction and research of these weapons is morally wrong. I think the creation of extremely powerful weapons that pose a threat to humanity as whole is objectively bad from a positive moral stand point. The creation of weapons of this nature bring up many moral quandaries like, why or when would a weapon of this magnitude be a viable option in world conflicts. Although the actual construction of the weapons poses no direct threat its the implication and use of the weapons in a foul way that is troubling. We see this directly in history after the drop of the two bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima, where countless innocent people lost their lives and the world was then sent into a frenzy of creating nuclear warheads in fear of their countries safety.   

Image result for nuclear explosion


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