
Showing posts from December, 2019

Interstellar: Black Holes

Interstellar is jam packed with interesting and somewhat confusing movie concepts. Interstellar's main concepts play around the movies center piece Gargantua. (a giant black hole). The main thing Interstellar portrays accurately is the extreme warping of space that the gigantic black hole does. In the movie we can see this physically with a sea of trapped light surrounding the emptiness which is the black hole, but also through the extreme time dilation within the holes gravity. Essentially the black hole stretches the space time around it increasing in magnitude the closer you get to it. This is what creates the varying degree of time dilation on the planets in Interstellar, depending on their proximity to the black hole. The main characteristics of a black hole are the event horizon and the singularity. The event horizon is the point in the black hole where nothing can escape unless they exceed the speed of light and, the singularity is a point in space past the event horizon ...